Caretaking services
Our Estate Operations team provides caretaking services for our housing estates. For more information, view our Estate standards guidance (PDF, 4312.53 KB).
There are 2 levels of caretaking service:
- Static (for high-rise buildings over 7 storeys) – the block is serviced daily by an estate-based caretaker. View the static caretaking service (PDF, 257.6 KB).
- Mobile (for low-rise buildings under 7 storeys) – the block is serviced weekly by a neighbourhood caretaking team. View the neighbourhood caretaking service (PDF, 257.56 KB).
Our caretaking services do not include:
- window cleaning
- rubbish collection
- grounds maintenance (soft verges, hedges, shrubs and weeds)
- high-rise bulky rubbish collection (caretakers will move bulky items to designated collection points)
View our Estate Services Caretaking and Cleaning Standards (PDF, 5648.26 KB).
If you have a compliment, comment or complaint, please complete our feedback form below.
Council Housing Estate Standards Feedback
A member of the Estate Operations team will respond to your query.
Grass, shrub beds, hedges and trees
You are responsible for maintaining your garden as stated in your tenancy agreement, (section 2.16, conditions 83 and 84). Due to limited funds, we need to focus on repairs to homes that are our responsibility.
Your responsibilities include:
- maintaining all parts of your garden, including pathways, grass, sheds, plants, bushes, hedges and trees (both existing and those you have added)
- keeping hedges, trees and shrubs at a manageable height. They should not hang over public pathways, cause obstructions or be a nuisance to neighbours.
If you're unable to manage your garden space
If you cannot manage your garden space and think you or someone in your household is vulnerable, please complete our online form.
Once you complete the form, we will assess your situation to see what level of support we can provide.
Maintenance schedules
For information on maintenance schedules or to report a problem, see grass verges, hedges and shrub beds.
Waste disposal, missed collections and enforcement
Household bulky waste collection
See information on how to book a free bulky waste collection.
Caretaking services are scheduled to collect bulky waste weekly from the out-of-borough sites (Barnet, Broxbourne and Potters Bar).
Fly-tipping will be removed within 24 hours of being reported.
If there is a safety risk, the mobile caretaking team will remove the items immediately.
See information on reporting fly-tipping.
Waste enforcement
Our council housing waste enforcement officers investigate complaints and take action when they find enough evidence. They also make proactive visits with the caretaking team.
The waste enforcement service will:
- operate across the borough 5 days a week
- investigate sites and areas of concern, issuing PACE questionnaires for suspected offences
- investigate and issue fixed penalty notices (FPNs) for dumped rubbish (up to £500) and fly-tipping (up to £1,000)
- inspect businesses for trade waste and issue FPNs for non-compliance (£300)
- issue community protection warnings (CPWs) and community protection notices (CPNs)
- pursue open cases to prosecution
If you find evidence in a fly-tip, you can share it with the team via email at
Waste collections
As with fly-tipping, poor waste disposal will be investigated by the waste enforcement officers. If the communal bins are full, do not throw waste on the floor. Doing so creates hazards such as:
- fire risks
- trips and slips
- vermin
- waste attracting more waste
See information on reporting a missed collection.
For general information on waste disposal, missed collections and enforcement, see our rubbish and recycling pages.
Estate Enhancement Service
The Estate enhancement service is a valuable investment opportunity for our shared spaces within the council's housing stock. The estate enhancement package includes the following:
- Resident engagement to identify the needs of the community
- Propose plans for estate improvement
- To coordinate proposals through joint visits and regular communication
- Increase the attractiveness of the communal areas of the estate, including drying areas, bins areas, shared gardens)
- Provide immediate improvement to the appearance of the estate
- Delivering on agreed planned works
- Ultimately providing residents a sense of being part of a striving community
What can the Estate enhancement service provide?
The below examples are based on works that have been proposed by residents so far (list is not exhaustive):
- Drying area re-surfacing
- Introduction of washing lines
- Creating new bin storage
- Installing knee high rails or fencing
- Planting projects (beds or raised planters)
- Improving shared community gardens
- Pram shed repairs
- Creating seating areas
- Play space improvements
- Deterring unwanted access (blocking off nuisance space)
- Pressure washing programme
- Deep cleaning programme
- Window cleaning programme
Involvement from residents through feedback on areas for improvement has been essential to making sure that the estate enhancement works have met the community's needs.
How do I get involved?
If you have an idea on how your estate can benefit from estate enhancement, complete the Estate Enhancement Service Feedback form. A follow up visit or phone call will be arranged with you to discuss your proposal further.
Estate Enhancement Service Feedback form
If you are interested in joining The Enfield 500 to discuss or suggest ideas on how the service can work better, see The Enfield 500.
Resident Champion Inspection Volunteer
We are working with residents to identify issues on our estates. Thank you for your interest and participation with the new Resident Champion Inspection Volunteer feature.
Volunteers will act as key contacts between their community and the council's housing estate operations. The aim is to make sure estate services meet community expectations. This is not intended for raising repair issues, as a separate process is already in place.
Volunteers will gather feedback from the community to identify areas needing improvement. The focus will be on:
- caretaking
- waste refuse and recycling
- fly-tipping
- grounds maintenance
This information will be collected through a digital MS form and reviewed by the estate operations service to improve standards.
What do I need to do as a volunteer?
Complete the Resident Champion Inspection form using the link below.
Resident Champion Inspection form for Estate Standards
If you are interested in joining The Enfield 500 to discuss or suggest ideas on how this feature can work better, see The Enfield 500.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, contact Aaron Waller at