Enfield Local Plan (Regulation 24) 2024 – Examination in Public
Latest news
The Inspector has written to the council with his preliminary matters and questions (PDF, 274.58 KB).
The Enfield Local Plan documents were submitted to the Secretary of State for examination on Tuesday 6 August 2024.
Inspector S Lee BA(Hons) MA MRTPI has been appointed to hold an independent examination of the Enfield Local Plan.
Mrs Annette Feeney is the programme officer who is assisting the inspectors. All correspondence relating to the examination should be sent to the programme officer at:
- Email: annette.feeney@enfield.gov.uk
- Phone: 07775 771026
Correspondence and updates, relating to the examination, will be updated on the 'latest news' section and documents will be added to the document library below.
Information about the examination process can be found here. This page includes the Procedure Guide for Local Plan Examinations which provides detailed practical advice and a short guide aimed at people taking part in their first local plan examination.
Enfield Local Plan document library 2024
The Enfield Local Plan document library (PDF, 486.25 KB) consists of:
- A. Core submission documents including the Duty to Cooperate Statement with Statements of Common Ground (PDF, 1651.03 KB)
- B. Background evidence documents
- C. Previous stages of the local plan process
- Inspectors documents
Enfield Local Plan
Enfield Council has reviewed the local plan which sets out the long term planning and land use policies for the area. Please see Statement of representation procedure (PDF, 168.67 KB).
Please note that the local plan was prepared and will be examined under the NPPF updated version published in December 2023.
The council will also be confirming a five year land supply of specific, deliverable sites at the time that its examination is concluded.
The Enfield Local Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination on 6 August 2024 details can be found on the Submission Notice (PDF, 113.76 KB).
All examination information will be published on the examination page here to follow.
View the Regulation 19 Enfield Local Plan consultation responses individually, or a summary through the representation database (XLSX, 3372.69 KB) and an index of respondents (XLSX, 2624.15 KB).
Enfield Local Plan – Regulation 19 consultation
Update: The Enfield Local Plan documents were submitted to the Secretary of State for examination on Tuesday 6 August 2024.
The Regulation 19 Consultation Period ran from Thursday 28 March to Monday 20 May 2024 and has now concluded. Thank you to those who responded.
The purpose of the Regulation 19 consultation is to provide an opportunity for representations to be made on the amendments to the local plan before it is examined by a planning inspector. In accordance with the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, the planning inspector will consider all comments on the plan that are made within the consultation period.
The council is currently processing Representations made at Regulation 19 Stage. All representations received during the representation period will be sent to the Planning Inspectorate together with the draft Local Plan and supporting documentation and will also be made publicly accessible as part of the examination.
Upon submission, the Planning Inspectorate will conduct an independent review of the plan and the representations made, to determine whether the plan is sound. This is called an Examination in Public.
Enfield Regulation 19 Local Plan documents
The emerging Enfield Local Plan was approved for publication for a minimum 6-week period of public consultation by Full Council on 19 March 2024. To review the details of the Full Council meeting and access the minutes, see the agenda for the Full Council meeting. The council has also prepared a summary leaflet of the local plan (PDF, 7109.38 KB).
Local plan and appendices, and policy map:
- ELP REG19 Consult Chapters 1-2 (PDF, 14839.61 KB)
- ELP REG19 Consult Chapters 3-15 (PDF, 18754.5 KB)
- ELP REG19 Appendices A Evidence Base and B KPIs (PDF, 249.24 KB)
- ELP REG19 Appendix C Site Allocations (PDF, 12566.69 KB)
- ELP REG19 Appendix D Tall Buildings Maps (PDF, 12648.34 KB)
- ELP REG19 Appendix E Developer Contributions (PDF, 156.47 KB)
- ELP Policies-Map A0 Rev-A (PDF, 18702.97 KB)
Statutory assessments
- ELP REG19 IIA and appendices (PDF, 11902.53 KB)
- ELP REG19 IIA Non-Technical Summary (PDF, 525.85 KB)
- ELP REG19 HRA Reg 19 (PDF, 7263.5 KB)
- ELP Reg19 EQIA (PDF, 258.2 KB)
Supporting evidence base documents
You can view all of the supporting documents which form part of the evidence base used in the preparation of the ELP.
Minor editorial changes have been made to the pre-publication version that was released in December 2023. These modifications are outlined in the Minor amendments table (PDF, 551.27 KB).
You can inspect physical copies of the documents listed above and the Statement of Representations Procedure at the following locations and as well as all the community libraries in the borough:
- Enfield Civic Centre, Silver Street, Enfield, EN1 3XA
- Enfield Town Library, 66 Church Street, Enfield, EN2 6AX
- Edmonton Green Library, 36-44 South Mall, Edmonton, N9 0TN
- Ordnance Unity Centre Library, 645 Hertford Road Enfield, EN3 6ND
- Palmers Green Library, Broomfield Lane, Palmers Green, N13 4EY
Where is the evidence base?
All of the evidence base documents are available for inspection on our evidence base page.
The Local Plan documents, Integrated Impact Assessment, Habitats Regulations Assessment and Equalities Impact Assessment are available to view above.
Local Plan preferred approaches consultation 2021
From June to September 2021 we consulted on the main issues and preferred approaches for the Local Plan. We also carried out a consultation to identify future development sites. This consultation was the first of two stages in the formal plan production process.
View the Main Issues and Preferred Options Local Plan (PDF, 15303.15 KB) and the draft Proposals Map (PDF, 14178.99 KB).
View the Statement on Regulation 18 Consultation (June to September 2021) (PDF, 3933.35 KB).
View the Regulation 18 draft Enfield Local Plan consultation responses.
Consultation on the Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) accompanying the Regulation 18: Enfield Local Plan Main Issues and Preferred Approaches also ran at the same time.
The IIA comprises Sustainability Appraisal (SA) incorporating Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), Health Impact Assessment (HIA), Equalities Impact Assessment (EqIA), Community Safety Impact Assessment (CSIA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA).
The Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes regulations (2004) the National Planning Policy Framework requires that all development plan documents are subject to a sustainability appraisal.
The sustainability appraisal is needed to consider and communicate the key sustainability issues and effects of emerging policies and any reasonable alternatives. It runs alongside the development of a plan and informs the ongoing decision-making process. The document consulted on is a record of the appraisal work carried out to date.
View the IIA documents:
- Integrated Impact Assessment (LUC) 2021 (PDF, 5961.73 KB)
- Integrated Impact Assessment - Appendices (LUC) 2021 (PDF, 6337.92 KB)
- Habitats Regulations Assessment (LUC) 2021 (PDF, 9855.33 KB)
The timetable for the preparation of the Local Plan is set out in the Local Development Scheme.
Draft Local Plan errata - August 2021
Following approval, a number of omissions and typographic errors have been discovered in the draft Local Plan. These have been corrected. View the errata note (PDF, 914.22 KB).
Local Plan issues and options consultation 2018
From 5 December 2018 to 28 February 2019 we consulted on the issues and options for the Local Plan. We also carried out a consultation to identify future development sites. This consultation was the first of two stages in the formal plan production process.
View the Local Plan issues and options (PDF, 14523.9 KB) and the Local Plan issues and options summary and questionnaire (PDF, 2567.84 KB).
View the Enfield Regulation 18 - 2018/19 consultation statement (PDF, 652.36 KB)
View the representations from the consultation:
- Individual responses index A-Z (PDF, 357.94 KB)
- Individual responses A-C (PDF, 7691.26 KB)
- Individual responses D-F (PDF, 3483.8 KB)
- Individual responses G-I (PDF, 3115.84 KB)
- Individual responses J-L (PDF, 3996.17 KB)
- Individual responses M-O (PDF, 3553.24 KB)
- Individual responses P-R (PDF, 2751.24 KB)
- Individual responses S-U (PDF, 5989.68 KB)
- Individual responses V-Z (PDF, 4975.96 KB)
- Statutory consultee responses (PDF, 3044.46 KB)
- Developer and agent responses (PDF, 12790.12 KB)
- Other responses (PDF, 3246.14 KB)
Privacy notice for Enfield Local Plan
When processing your personal data, we must tell you what we are doing with it. You have the right to know why we need it, what we’ll do with it and who we are going to share it with.
This privacy notice was updated July 2021.
Our contact details
Name: London Borough of Enfield
Address: Civic Centre, Silver Street, London EN1 3XA
Phone Number: 020 8379 3866
Email: localplan@enfield.gov.uk
Personal information
The information which you give to us will be used for the preparation of a Local Plan. The preparation of a Local Plan is a statutory function and because of this, under local government legislation, is a task in the public interest.
The categories of the information that we collect, process, hold and share include name and contact details.
Your name and response will be made publicly available.
The lawful basis on which we use this information
The plan making team will collect and use this information under the UK GDPR Article 6(1)(e), which permits processing where necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest.
Your data protection rights
Under data protection law, your rights include:
- Your right of access - you have the right to ask us for copies of your personal information
- Your right to rectification - you have the right to ask us to rectify personal information you think is inaccurate. You also have the right to ask us to complete information you think is incomplete.
- Your right to erasure - you have the right to ask us to erase your personal information in certain circumstances
- Your right to restriction of processing - you have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your personal information in certain circumstances
- Your right to object to processing - you have the right to object to the processing of your personal information in certain circumstances
- Your right to data portability - you have the right to ask that we transfer the personal information you gave us to another organisation, or to you, in certain circumstances
You don’t need to pay any charge for using your rights. If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you.
You can contact us by email at complaintsandinformation@enfield.gov.uk if you want to make a request.
If you have a concern about the way we are collecting or using your personal data, we ask that you first raise your concern with us. Alternatively, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office at ICO.
Access and storage
Your information is securely stored on our IT systems at the London Borough of Enfield.
We keep consultation responses until the adoption of the local plan for four years. We will then dispose of your information by deleting your responses from our IT system.