Job vacancy bulletin

Looking for a job in childcare?

See current job vacancies

Want to advertise vacancies for your setting?

PVIs and childminders

The job vacancy bulletin is one of the benefits offered to all early years settings operating within the Enfield borough for free.

As an Enfield early years provider, you can place unlimited adverts on the Job Vacancy Bulletin without charge. The bulletin is published on the Informed Families webpage, part of the Enfield Council website and shared with local colleges and selected recruitment agencies.

Out of borough early years providers can also use this service for a charge of £30 per advert per month. If you would like to advertise a out of borough vacancy, please email prior to completing the reply slip. Please note, adverts can only be published once payment has been received.

Please note: The purpose of the job vacancy bulletin is to advertise vacancies for staff not for individuals to post their availability for jobs or childminders to advertise spaces for children.