Opportunities in finance

Finance team

We are looking for professionals who engage with big questions, think for themselves and are willing to learn new skills and take ownership by suggesting and trying new ways of doing things.

We have a variety of career pathways within the finance department:

What you can expect when working in the finance team

Interesting and challenging projects

The scale and breadth of our capital projects:

You will be empowered to ask and suggest solutions to big strategic questions. Together, we will adapt our capital programme to the new economic environment while growing the energy and innovation that has benefitted Enfield up to now.

You will be joining us at a key pivotal moment - your analysis and advice will change the direction of projects and leave a legacy for Enfield residents.

We will invest in you

We invest in developing the team skills that define a modern finance department. For example, heads of service in the Directorate are currently being supported with leadership coaching. Members of the capital finance team are also enrolled in a programme that develops our financial modelling and data visualisation skills.

A unique culture and 'our way' of working

The senior management team is supportive, kind and collaborative with a no blame culture (we do not get things right all of the time). We are also not afraid of a healthy challenge.

Our vision for the finance team

Our vision for the capital and pension team is that we are:

Graduate scheme

The Graduate Finance Trainee scheme is part of the professional training framework for finance and is open to all ages. The scheme is usually a 4-year programme, combining formal studies for a professional qualification, with office-based placements.

Our graduate programme is a little different to the other local authorities. We give you the option of starting by studying for a financial modelling and data visualisation certificate before going on to CIPFA. This will give you a modern set of skills and set you apart from all other CIPFA graduate trainees, setting you up for faster career progression.

We offer our trainees:

Graduates can choose to work at Enfield on the assessment centre day.

See Graduate Finance Trainee scheme for more information.

For more details of the CIPFA qualification, visit CIPFA.

To apply for the graduate scheme, visit Finance the Future.

"In my 2 years at Enfield I have been constantly challenged with a wide variety of projects that have had a real impact on the community - between working on government grants, library services and analysing trends in Adult Social Care." - Ian, third year graduate.

Work on interesting and challenging capital projects

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