Walk this way to inspire your community

An expert panel has been pulled together to host a free event to empower people to choose careers that can help influence their communities positively.

The Walk this Way workshop will be hosted by Father2Father an award-winning community interest company that provides support, training and development to fathers, men and adolescent boys. They are working in partnership with Enfield Council and Nexus*, the local authority’s support service for young people and families.

The event, which will be held online on Saturday 25 July from 7.15pm will include talks from a special team including British actor, presenter, radio DJ and comedian Eddie Nestor and Enfield Council’s Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Cohesion, Cllr Nneka Keazor. It is aimed at people from the age of 25 years who are interested in their own vocational development and well as those of young people in their communities.

Cllr Keazor said: “Walk this Way is an opportunity to inspire people to make changes within their community. One way to do this is to find a career path or a project where you can truly make a difference. That may be joining your local school governing board, training to become a magistrate or becoming a councillor help give a voice to your local area. We will offer guidance to those who would like to explore these paths and will be drawing from our own personal experiences to give confidence and encouragement.”

A family worker will be online to suggest strategies to promote a positive environment in the home. There will also be guidance on how to lay the foundations to build the young leaders of tomorrow.

To secure your place, simply visit Eventbrite and register your details in advance. You can also learn more about the event from this short video.

* *The Nexus programme is the Council’s overarching strategy to coordinate activities to support young people to make positive choices. Elements within the project include recruiting and training volunteer mentors to work with at risk pupils, one to one activity with girls at the pupil referral unit, a family worker to take a holistic approach with families of at risk pupils, work with local faith groups and parents forums. This targeted work aims to reach a small number of high-risk pupils, preventing exclusion, exploitation and further harm.

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