We will treat our customers with fairness and in a polite and professional manner and expect our customers to treat us in the same way.
We commit to:
- follow good enforcement practice in a proactive and reactive way
- acting in a transparent and fair way
- taking robust and effective action where it is appropriate and reasonable to do so
- progressing investigations in a timely fashion and within the timescales set out in our Enforcement Policy
What you can do:
- To submit your requests for investigations, see Planning enforcement.
- If you need assistance to use online services, and have an Enfield Library card, you can book a supported session with a member of library staff at Edmonton Green Library, Enfield Town Library, Ordnance Unity Centre Library or Palmers Green Library. For more information about this service, see Computers and the internet.
- For guidance and support in using the online portal, click on the Enfield logo to return to the home page and use our Live Chat service. This is a help line, and we will not be able to record or submit your request through this channel.
What you can expect:
- By day 3 your request will be acknowledged
- By day 3 we will let you know whether it is appropriate to progress your request
- We will update you at key stages, which may differ depending on the scale and nature of the breach (if one is found)
- We will notify you:
- If a planning application is received to regularise the situation
- If an enforcement notice is served
- If an appeal is lodged against an enforcement notice
- We will confirm the reasons why a request has been closed