Setting a Balanced Budget in 2024/25

Stone wording outside the Civic Centre

Enfield Council wants to hear residents’ views and priorities as it starts the task of setting its budget for 2024/25, against a backdrop of significant funding pressures, high inflation and the cost-of-living crisis.

The most notable pressures for the Council are in the supply of temporary accommodation and Children’s and Adults’ Social Care services.

Despite significant budget pressures, the Council is delivering services that help and support our residents, and we’re continuing to create a better borough for the wellbeing of all our communities.

Enfield Council must prepare the budget in time for the start of the financial year 2024/25 without yet knowing what the financial settlement from the government will be. This means that budget plans are based on the estimated savings we expect to have to make.

Residents’ views will help to inform the way the Council will respond to the financial challenges ahead. You can share your views by completing a short questionnaire on the Enfield Council website. The questionnaire will remain open until 12 January 2024.

To find out about other consultations, surveys and questionnaires, sign up to the Have Your Say digital newsletters.

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