Budget engagement for 2020/21 launched

Enfield Council wants to hear residents’ views and priorities as it sets its budget for 2020/21 against a backdrop of having to find savings of £15.5 million.

Since 2010 Enfield Council has had to save £179 million because of Government spending cuts and increasing pressure on services. The annual funding it receives from Government to provide vital services for its residents has been cut by an average of £800 per household in Enfield.

Residents’ views will help to shape those decisions and the way the Council responds to the financial challenges ahead.

Enfield Council’s Cabinet Member for Finance and Procurement, Cllr Mary Maguire, said:
“Insufficient funding from Government after years of cuts, coupled with increasing pressures on services, means we have to make difficult decisions about spending priorities. We are facing these challenges head on and are determined to continue to deliver for the people of Enfield, especially the most vulnerable.

“We continue to be hugely ambitious for the borough; our housing renewal and development programmes continue apace and will deliver thousands of homes and new jobs. We also remain committed to creating strong and healthy communities. This includes keeping our streets clean and safe and providing long-term funding to tackle youth crime.”

Much of the Council’s annual budget is ring-fenced to be spent on specific services such as schooling and housing benefit payments and cannot be touched. As a result, Enfield Council is limited in its scope as to where it can make savings.

In addition, an increasing population puts more strain on our services. It is estimated that Enfield’s population now stands at 333,900 and it could grow to as much as 346,600 by 2021.

To access the further information on the Council’s vision and approach, please go to www.enfield.gov.uk/consultations. Participation ends on 13 December 2019.

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