Leaseholders and freeholders


The council has recently been awarded a grant of £50 million to help acquire and develop land for the Joyce Avenue and Snell's Park estate. This means the council can expand their acquisitions programme. This will be done in phase order. A member of the Acquisitions Team will contact you in due course.

If you are interested, visit our Resident leaseholder and freeholder page or our Non-resident leaseholder and freeholder page and complete the available form to your register interest.

Drop-in sessions

The Acquisitions Team will be looking to hold drop-in sessions for any leaseholders that wish to meet with the team to discuss their options. The sessions will be held at Boundary Hall (Snells Park).

Dates are to be confirmed - leaseholders and freeholders will be notified accordingly.

If you are unable to attend these event but would like to request an appointment with the Acquisitions Team, please contact us using the details below.

Contact us

If you wish to speak to a Buyback Officer, please contact us using the below methods: