About MeLSA
Mediated Learning Support Approach (MeLSA), is an educational psychology-led national programme that trains and supports staff working in schools to apply the psychology of learning and teaching.
School staff attend an initial 6-day training course which covers:
- mediation and mindset
- thinking about thinking
- memory and recall
- psychology of learning maths
- psychology of learning to read and write
- implementing MeLSA in your school/setting
The EPS provides half-termly group supervision sessions, and termly network meetings within Enfield where we share best practice, network with other schools implementing MeLSA, and refresh our knowledge through CPD. This ongoing support really helps participants to put MeLSA ideas into practice at the individual, group, class and whole-school level.
MeLSA in Enfield
We completed our pilot training programme in spring 2024, with 12 participants from Enfield’s primary, secondary and special schools. Participants included SENCos, Inclusion Leads, Intervention Leads, TAs and LSAs.
Express your interest in joining the next MeLSA cohort, in the summer term 2025, or email eps@enfield.gov.uk.
Information sessions will take place in the autumn and spring terms.