Tell us if you're unhappy with something

We always try to get things right, however, we know that sometimes they go wrong. Please tell us why you're unhappy by choosing an option below, so we can work out how we can help to fix the problem.

Report a problem

You can report most problems online. This will be the quickest way to resolve most issues. You can also track the progress of reports using your Enfield Connected account.

Problems may include:

Report a problem

Appeal a fine or decision

You may want to appeal:

Make a formal complaint

If you need to report an issue with a service you're receiving, you should use our report a problem page.

If the issue cannot be resolved with the service, you can make a formal complaint following our Corporate and Statutory Complaints procedures.

Examples which cannot be considered through the complaints process are:

For persistent and vexatious complaints, see our Persistent and Vexatious Complaints Policy and Guidance (PDF, 246.4 KB)

If you're making a complaint about council housing, find out more about the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code.

You can complain if you are unhappy about how a council service has been delivered or if the council have failed to deliver a service. For more information, please see our Corporate Complaints Policy (PDF, 302.59 KB).

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