Clear desk and clear screen policy


To improve the security and confidentiality of information, and where possible a clear desk policy for papers and removable storage media and clear screen policy for information processing facilities shall be adopted.

This should reduce the risk of unauthorised access, loss of, and damage to information during and outside normal working hours or when areas are unattended.

The purpose of this policy is to set the requirements to ensure that all work areas are clear of the council's information, whether in electronic or paper form.


London Borough of Enfield (LBE) stands committed to the development of secure policies and practices and ensures it complies with the Data Protection Legislations, and in doing so, we have implemented this Clear Desk Policy to increase physical and electronic security whilst remote working and when working from LBE offices.

This policy ensures that all sensitive and confidential information, whether it be on paper, a storage device, or a hardware device, is properly locked away or disposed of in accordance with the retention schedule.


This policy applies to all employees, contractors, and third-party employees, who have access to IT assets and may be bound by contractual agreements.

The policy shall be made available to all the employees covered in the scope; All changes and new release of this document shall be made available to the persons concerned.


Whenever you are away from their desk, or if desk is unattended the following will apply:


This policy will be officially monitored for compliance by the Service Management and Governance Teams (SMG), Information Governance Manager and may include random and scheduled inspections. The Information and Data Governance Board will be the owner of this policy.


All policies require the participation of staff and contractors to be successful. Any employee or contractor found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action and in line with the HR policies.

Policy details

Author – Information Governance Team
Owner – Information and Data Governance Board
Version – 1.0
Reviewer – Information and Data Governance Board
Classification – Official
Issue status – Final
Date of first issue – April 2023
Date of latest re-issue – 30.05.2024
Date approved by IGB – 19.05.2024
Date of next review – 30.04.2025

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