Equality and diversity in Enfield

We are committed to equality in everything we do. This involves having due regard to the needs of diverse groups when designing, evaluating and delivering services. This is to:

All of this is with due consideration to the full range of 'protected characteristics', which are:

These obligations are listed under the Equalities Act 2010. The Act also requires us to publish our equalities objectives.

The Fairer Enfield Policy 2021 to 2025 sets out how we will tackle inequality, support an inclusive workplace and communities and create new opportunities for everyone in Enfield. The policy outlines the behaviours and values that council staff must demonstrate and the actions they must take to make this a reality.

View the Fairer Enfield policy 2021 to 2025 (PDF, 5491.82 KB).

For more information, email haveyoursay@enfield.gov.uk.

Our equality and diversity objectives

The Public Sector Equality Duty requires us to publish one or more specific and measurable equalities objectives every 4 years, that show where we are tackling inequality.

In the Fairer Enfield 2021 to 2025 policy, we have identified 8 objectives to reduce inequality:

To identify these objectives, we:

Our annual equality and diversity report

Our annual equality and diversity report summarises work (over the last year), to deliver on the principles and objectives in Fairer Enfield – our equality and diversity policy.

Our annual report includes good practice case studies that provide an overview of how the council has worked in partnership with our statutory, voluntary and community sector partners, and residents to deliver equality initiatives that improve outcomes for our diverse communities in Enfield.

View the Annual equalities report 2023 to 2024 (PDF, 1144.16 KB).

We also report on our progress to the council’s Assurance Board in December or January of each year.

We continue to take action to overcome structural causes of inequality, as set out in the Council Plan 2023 to 2026 (PDF, 2631.57 KB). The plan sets out how we are investing in Enfield to deliver positive outcomes for our communities.

As part of this work, the 8 objectives of Fairer Enfield continue to shape the service plans of each department within the council. Our service plans are reviewed and updated every year and set out the services and support offered.


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