Buying land from the council

Applying to buy council housing land

Residents can apply to buy the land next to their property to extend their gardens. However, residents do not have the right to buy this land. The council reviews each request individually, and sometimes decides not to sell the land. Reasons could include:

How much will it cost?

The council must get the best price for its land, property and other assets, so it will not sell for less than market value. This price usually reflects any increase in the value of your home if you add the council’s land to it. The council will get professional advice before selling any land, and prices can vary based on location, size and other factors.

As a rough guide, plots of front garden with no development potential usually cost between £5,000 and £20,000, but they can be more.

If the land can be used for something else or developed, it could be worth more. In such cases, the council might sell the land on the open market, like at a public auction. You can still bid for the land, but the council does not have to sell it to local applicants.

You can find a list of sites the council is considering for sale or lease under consultations. There you can comment or express your interest in buying or leasing them.

How to apply

There are 2 stages to the application process (each takes about 4 weeks).

Stage 1 – There is an initial application fee of £150 to check if the council owns the land and is willing to sell it. Your application will be reviewed by Enfield Council Housing, considering estate management and community issues. These include access, shared paths, rights of way, parking problems and any necessary neighbour consultations.

Your application should include an aerial photo, marked to show the approximate area you need. You can mark up a screenshot from your phone (see example below).

Mobile phone screenshot with plot highlighted

Stage 2 – The council will check land ownership in the surrounding area, and assess the impact of a parking licence on other council properties, highway visibility and redevelopment potential.

If your application is approved, you will need to pay a valuation fee of £400 + VAT. After the valuation, you will be offered terms to purchase the land, with 90 days to exchange contracts. You must prove you have the funds to complete the purchase.

The above fees are non-refundable.

Other costs

Legal advice

You will need a solicitor to undertake the transfer and register the title with HM Land Registry. You should get an estimate from a reputable solicitor. As a guide, this could cost around £1,000 + VAT. You will also need to pay the council's legal costs, which will be similar.


Before proceeding with the purchase, make sure you have or can raise the necessary funds (for example, from savings or mortgage) to cover the purchase costs, including the statutory 10% deposit when you exchange contracts.


Make sure you have suitable insurance for owner's liabilities. If the land is next to your home, update your home buildings insurance to include the new land.

Application fees

Apply to buy council land

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Further queries

If you have any other questions, please email and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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