General park information

Report a problem in a park

Parks are open from 8am, Monday to Saturday, and from 8:30am on Sundays and bank holidays. Parks will be closed at sunset every evening. Toilets close 1 hour before the park. Gates will be locked at closing time.

For more information, see park opening and closing times.

View our map to see all of our parks, including those with Green Flag status. Our Blue and Green Strategy 2021-2031 (PDF, 18561.76 KB) explains the role these open spaces will play in achieving a healthy, prosperous, cohesive community living in a borough that is safe, clean and green.

If you are interested in joining a Friends of Parks Group or volunteering in our parks, see our volunteering in parks and open spaces page. For information on funding, visit Open4Community.

Parks with toilets

Park nameWard
Arnos Park Arnos Grove
Boundary Park Bowes
Broomfield Park Palmers Green
Bury Lodge Gardens Bush Hill Park
Bush Hill Park Southbury
Craig Park Edmonton Green
Enfield Playing Field Southbury
Forty Hall Park Whitewebbs
Jubilee Park Jubilee
Oakwood Park Oakwood
Tottenhall Sports Ground Bowes
Town Park Grange Park
Trent Park Cockfosters
Whitewebbs Park Whitewebbs

The toilets and café in Grovelands Park are currently closed because of damage. We are working to resolve the problem as soon as possible.

Parks with outdoor gyms


There are local park byelaws to prevent antisocial behaviour. We also have dog control orders which provide guidance on bringing your dog to the park. Owners can receive an £80 fixed penalty notice if they do not follow these rules. It is also illegal to have a barbecue in a park or open space. Police and community officers enforce these byelaws.

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