Extra support with early education and childcare

Education, Health and Care needs assessment

Children with longer-term special educational needs or disabilities may need more specialist help.

You can ask for an Education, Health and Care (EHC) needs assessment which could lead to your child getting an EHC plan. Your school or setting can request this, or you can request it yourself.

If we decide to carry out an assessment, we will work closely with you, your child and the professionals involved. For more information, see the code of practice (PDF).

If your child needs an assessment, they may be referred to the child development team. This includes services such as:

Children with significant learning and development needs

If your child has significant learning and development needs, they may be referred to the Early Intervention Support Service.

The Early Intervention Support Service

The Early Intervention Support Service is part of the Joint Service for Disabled Children (JSDC). The service provides family support and early education to families of babies and children with special educational needs and disabilities who are not yet attending early education settings.

The service has 2 teams, Early Support, and Pre-school Support.

Early Support keyworkers provide:

The Pre-school Support Team has experienced teachers and early years professionals who:

To meet referral criteria, children must be aged 0 to 3 and:

Referrals to the service need to be made by a professional who knows your child, for example, your health visitor or speech and language therapist.

For more information, contact EISS on 020 8351 1318.

Family support

Children's centres offer opportunities for children under five and their parents to learn, develop and have fun. They provide free courses, workshops and drop-in sessions, which offer advice and support on family services.

Our children's centres are:

If you need more specialist support, you could be referred to:

Emotional support

You can get advice on emotional support from your GP or health visitor. You can also self-refer to Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) for counselling.

Speaking with other parents who have children with similar needs may be helpful and supportive. View a list of local organisations or visit Contact.

Autism support

If your child is autistic, you may be able to access:

The Enfield Advisory Service for Autism (EASA) supports autistic children and young people aged 0 to 25. They work with educational settings and parents to increase understanding of autism, and develop services and support.

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