Street trading licence

Pay a street trading licence fee

Pavement licence

A pavement licence allows businesses to place temporary furniture, such as tables and chairs, outside cafes, bars and restaurants.

On 31 March 2024, the permanent pavement licensing regime and changes provided for in the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act came into effect.

The fee for new licences is £500 and renewals is £350. All new licences or renewed licences will be valid for 2 years – unless a lesser period is specified following the consultation process.

Renewals must be a like for like application. If you wish to make any changes, for example, changing the name of the licence holder, increasing the licensed area or adding more tables and chairs, a new application will be required.

We encourage pavement licence holders to use the free resources from CPNI (Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure), to help improve vigilance in their employees. We also encourage you to download the MPS PSO 'London Shield' app to your mobile phone.

Apply for a pavement licence (PDF, 275.13 KB)

Standard conditions (PDF, 44.32 KB) will be applied to licences, including the condition that smoking is banned in licensed areas. In certain circumstances, special conditions may also be applied.

If you have any questions, email

Further information about the pavement licence

The Business and Planning Act 2020 allows businesses to apply for a licence to enable them to place temporary furniture, such as tables and chairs, outside cafes, bars and restaurants.

The application process requires a number of criteria to be met, for example, a plan of the licensed area, and proof of up-to-date public liability cover. The day after the application is deemed accepted, a 14-day public consultation period begins. During this time the applicant must display the site notice advertising the application. Applicants will receive notification of the outcome of the application 28 days after it is submitted.

If a pavement licence is breached, the licence holder may be served a notice to remedy the breach, or the licence can also cancelled.

The temporary amendments to the Licensing Act 2003 (which permitted premises licence holders who were licensed to serve alcohol on-premises, to also sell alcohol for consumption off the premises without needing to apply for a variation of their licence) has been extended until 31 March 2025.

We will still accept a minor variation application where a premises licence holder for on-sales only applies to add off-sales to their licence. A minor variation is likely to be accepted where a premises licence holder took advantage of the temporary amendment, and there has been no adverse impact on licensing objectives.

View the pavement licences guidance at GOV.UK.

Other street trading licences

If the pavement licence does not meet your requirements, you may need one of the following street trading licences, which if granted, will allow you to:

This does not include pedlars, news vendors, milkmen or sales on private land. A licence is not required to place goods for sale on land which forms part of the premises (not the highway). Displaying goods, including fruits and vegetables, on the highway outside a premises is not permitted. For a full list of designated streets, see our application forms.

It is a criminal offence to carry out unlicensed activities and, if convicted, you could be given a £1,000 fine.

The terms, conditions and restrictions of the licence must be complied with whenever the licence is in use. View the Street Trading Tables and Chairs Standard Conditions (PDF, 18.99 KB).

Apply for a temporary street trading licence (PDF, 208.93 KB)

Apply for a tables and chairs for outside seating licence (PDF, 209.09 KB)

Apply for a shop forecourts licence (PDF, 29.76 KB)

If your application is unsuccessful, you may appeal to a magistrates' court within 21 days of the decision.

If you're applying for a street trading licence as part of a small community event, we have prepared a handbook to guide you through the planning and delivery of such events. For more information about planning outdoor community events in Enfield’s public spaces, visit Let's Talk Enfield.

Ice cream trading

We do not issue street trading licences for ice cream sales. ‘Ice cream’ includes goods that are wholly or mainly ice cream, frozen confectionery, or other similar commodities. People who own ice cream vans may trade as ‘itinerant traders’.

To be classed as an itinerant trader, you must travel from place to place and only remain in one location while trading for 15 minutes or less. You must also not return to the same location, or any other location in the same street, on the same day.

People trading from the traditional stop-me-and-buy-one tricycle or similar, are also subject to the same conditions. If you leave the vehicle parked and travel on foot, for example with a small frozen cabinet, you will still infringe the regulations.

Even if you find private land to trade from with the written permission of the landowner, you must be situated at least 7 metres away from the nearest footway or roadway.

Traders convicted of unlicensed street trading face a daily fine up to £1,000. If you're seen trading after being convicted in the courts, the police or council officers can seize the vehicle. It is then up to a magistrates’ court whether you get the vehicle back.

For more information see:

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