Specified (supported) accommodation
Information for providers
Where accommodation has been categorised as specified accommodation, this allows exemptions from the rules restricting how much rent is used in the benefit calculation. This means tenants can get higher levels of benefit.
There are 4 categories of specified accommodation.
Exempt accommodation
To count as 'exempt accommodation', all the following must apply:
- the accommodation is provided by either:
- an English non-metropolitan county council
- a housing association
- a not-for-profit voluntary organisation
- a registered charity
- the care, support or supervision is provided by either:
- the accommodation provider
- someone acting on behalf of the accommodation provider
- the level of care, support and supervision is more than 'minimal'
Managed properties (specified accommodation)
Managed properties are where care, support and supervision is provided by an organisation or individual other than the accommodation provider. For tenants in managed properties, the claimant must have entered the accommodation in order to get care, support, or supervision.
Refuges (specified accommodation)
Accommodation to provide temporary housing plus care and support for people escaping domestic violence.
Hostels (specified accommodation)
Accommodation to provide short-term housing on a temporary basis for claimants living in hostels that provide care, support, and supervision.
Housing Benefit to voluntary groups including Community Interest Companies
To make sure that all Supported Accommodation providers comply with the conditions outlined above, as a Community Interest Companies (CIC) or voluntary group you need to provide the following information:
- A copy of your constitution or rules that govern your company’s activities
- Your income and expense accounts for the last 2 years, demonstrating your not-for-profit status
- The business bank account statements for the account Housing Benefit is paid into for corresponding income and expense periods
- A full breakdown of the rental costs for each property showing all service charges
- A completed Supported Accommodation form (PDF, 1229.42 KB) for each tenant outlining their support needs
- A copy of each tenant’s needs assessment carried out by a Social Worker or equivalent professional
- A copy of the tenant’s care or support plan for the duration of their tenancy
- If carried out by a third party, details of the care provider and evidence of how the support is funded
- If the property is not owned by the CIC, a copy of the lease agreement with the superior landlord
If the income and expense accounts are not available, these will be requested at a later point, once submitted to HMRC. All approved Housing Benefit claims are subject to regular review.
Housing Benefit to registered providers and charities
If you are a registered provider or charity, you need to provide the following information:
- A full breakdown of the rental costs for each property showing all service charges
- A completed Supported Accommodation form (PDF, 1229.42 KB) for each tenant outlining their support needs
- A copy of each tenant’s needs assessment carried out by a Social Worker or equivalent professional
- A copy of the tenant’s care or support plan for the duration of their tenancy
- Details of the Support provider, if carried out by a third party and showing how the support is funded
All approved Housing Benefit claims are subject to regular review.
Protection from Eviction Act 1977
Specified accommodation is subject to the Protection from Eviction Act 1977, meaning that residents enjoy security of tenure. The only types of accommodation that are excluded for this are:
- people sharing accommodation with a resident landlord
- former trespassers granted temporary rights to occupy
- people renting holiday lets
- people occupying accommodation rent free
- asylum seekers in UKVI accommodation
- licensees in public sector hostels
- people with no right to rent where the Home Office has served notice
This means that, should you wish to end the occupation of residents, you will need to make sure that the correct notice is served and comply with the correct legal process in order to evict them. It is a criminal offence to attempt to unlawfully evict or otherwise harass residents.
Important information for tenants
Housing Benefit will not be paid until Specified Accommodation status has been approved. Therefore, it is recommended that all customers should also make a claim for Universal Credit (UC) to get help with other living costs and show an intention to claim UC Housing Costs to cover any rent liabilities.
Where the LA decides that the accommodation is not specified accommodation, they should advise the claimant to declare a change in their circumstances on their UC account. Some suggested wording:
'The accommodation you live in does not meet the criteria for specified accommodation, so you are not eligible to claim Housing Benefit. To claim help with your housing costs, you must declare a change in circumstances on your UC account and declare either ‘I rent from a council or housing association’ or ‘I rent from a private landlord.’ You must not declare ‘I’m in supported or sheltered accommodation'.
Once the claimant has successfully re-declared their housing costs on their UC account, their housing entitlement will be revised back to the date they originally declared they were living in the accommodation.
Frequently asked questions
How and when does an individual make a claim for housing benefit, once they have been offered a tenancy, in supported exempt accommodation?
You can make a claim for Housing Benefit. The claim should be made as soon as possible after moving into the property, as there are restrictions on backdating a claim for Housing Benefit.
What supporting documents are required from an individual residing in supported exempt accommodation, when submitting an application for housing benefit?
Once the application is submitted, an 'evidence checklist' will be emailed, listing the supporting documents required. You can email photos of all other documents to revs@enfield.gov.uk. The subject line of your email must be the reference number of your application inside pointed brackets, for example <XXXXXX>.
As a provider of supported accommodation, how can we contact the council?
You can email our designated mailbox at exempt.accommodationreviewteam@enfield.gov.uk.
How does the council determine Housing Benefit eligibility for an individual residing in supported exempt accommodation?
Eligibility for Housing Benefit depends on personal circumstances, such as income, savings, immigration status, disabilities and eligible rent. There needs to be an established need for, and provision of, care, support or supervision. If the level of care, support or supervision is not more than minimal, Housing Benefit may not be payable and the housing element of UC should be claimed instead.
What are the stages of the housing benefit application process and how long does it take?
For each tenant, we will need to have a fully completed application form and supporting documents listed in the 'evidence checklist'. In addition, we also require an 'exempt accommodation questionnaire' to be completed, as well as a copy of the care needs assessment and support plan. This must be completed by a qualified professional, such as a social worker, and be tailored to the individual.
The provider of exempt accommodation is required to submit their profit and loss accounts, bank statements and articles of association. We may need additional information, depending on the circumstances of each individual case. Once we have all the information we need, we aim to make a decision on your claim within 14 days.
What is the frequency of housing benefit payments – weekly, every 4 weeks or monthly?
Housing Benefit payable to exempt accommodation providers is usually paid 4-weekly in arrears.
How do we make sure that housing benefit payments are paid directly to the provider, rather than the tenant?
There is a section on the application form for Housing Benefit where the applicant, or representative, can stipulate how Housing Benefit should be paid.