Talk to us
If you're being abused or supporting someone who has experienced abuse, please get in touch with us - it’s free and you do not have to say who you are.
You can get help in any of these ways:
- Call the Single Point of Entry (SPOE) on 020 8379 5555, Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm
- Call the emergency duty team on 020 8379 1000 at night and weekends, and tell them what is happening
In an emergency, such as when someone is being hit or shut out of their home, ring the police on 999. You can also visit Childline or call them on 0800 1111.
You can access our Youth Support Service by attending a youth club.
If you do not want to talk to someone you do not know, you can ask an adult that you trust, like a teacher or youth worker, or even a friend, to make the phone call for you. When people are working with children, they have to follow set procedures but will explain to you what they will do and should be able to support you through the process.
Childline have launched the ‘For Me‘ app - the first app to provide counselling for young people via smartphone and other mobile devices.