Not sure what to do next?

Having a caring responsibility for a child, young person or adult can be a very daunting thing. There are resources that can help you to navigate through this experience no matter how difficult it may seem. Speaking to someone will help you to navigate through the difficulty or concern you have. Please see some helpful resources below.

Helpful resources

In an emergency

If your concern is immediate, please call 999.

Speak to a social worker

Share your concerns or worries for further advice and guidance - call 020 8379 5555.

Concerned for an adult?

Share your difficulties with an adult social worker - call 020 8379 5512.

Domestic abuse freephone helpline

If you have experienced or are currently experiencing being made to feel unsafe by someone close to you, this is domestic abuse. Domestic abuse is not okay and is a crime.

There is a specialist team to ensure no one is turned away and support is there for anyone in need - call 0800 923 9009.

Modern slavery helpline

Modern slavery is a crime that is hidden from sight but occurs everywhere around us. Modern slavery is happening right here in Enfield and it needs to be stopped. An advice line is available to provide information and support for those that have any concerns or general questions about modern slavery.

If you would like to discuss your concerns, please contact us on 020 3821 1763 (Monday to Friday, 10am to 2pm), or you can email us at


If you are worried about a child or young person, please visit NSPCC or call 0808 800 5000.