Activity groups

The role of Childrens Activity Groups

Practice Improvement - Chaired by Nicky Pace, Independent Chair/Scrutineer

The Practice Improvement Group focusses on learning and development, safeguarding reviews, multi-agency audits, policies and protocols and provides oversight to safeguarding cases.

Quality Assurance Group

The Insights Activity Group is responsible for developing horizon scanning intelligence to identify current and future risks to the effectiveness of the Safeguarding Children Partnership arrangements.

Task and Finish Group - Cost of Living Crisis - Chaired by Sharon Burgess, Head of Service Adult Safeguarding

The Safeguarding Adults Board is bringing together agencies to ensure that we have effective processes and information sharing in place in the face of heightened risks for adult service users, carers, patients and dependants due to the cost of living crisis.

Vulnerable Young People Group (VYP) - Chaired by Angela Bent, Head of Service Practice Improvement and Centre of Excellence

The overarching aim of the VYP group is to action the Safeguarding Adolescents From Exploitation (SAFE) strategy. This focuses on children and young people who are at risk of child sexual exploitation, children and young people exposed to exploitation through gang involvement, county lines, trafficking and serious youth violence, radicalisation and the prevent agenda, children missing from home or education.

View the Vulnerable Young People Activity Group terms of reference (PDF, 150.17 KB).

Task and Finish Group - Child Q - Chaired by Chantel Palmer, Designated Nurse for Safeguarding Children

The Practice Improvement Group have tasked this group to explore the learning from the Child Q CSPR against local practice and complete multiagency bench marking to highlight where practice needs to change in line with the recommendations.

View the Child Q Task and Finish Group terms of reference (PDF, 82.67 KB).