See your community idea take-off with Enfield Now

Residents of Enfield have a fantastic opportunity to turn their creative ideas on how to make the borough a better place to live into a reality.

The Council's Enfield Now project is partnering again with crowdfunding platform Spacehive to offer support and to ensure the viability of pitches for funding.

Enfield Now has a funding pot of £50,000 and can match fund up to 50% to a maximum of £5,000 per project, which can be added to what you raise from the crowd.

The crowdfunding programme is open to all groups and individuals in the borough. A workshop, being held on 6 March at the Civic Centre will explain more on how to get started, and ideas need to be submitted by 22 April.

We are particularly interested in supporting projects in regeneration areas and town centres which would help communities come together. Examples could be projects to develop new skills, improve well-being, increase green spaces and to support leisure and cultural activities.

Enfield Council's Leader, Cllr Nesil Caliskan, said: "Enfield Now is about empowering people to creatively develop and support projects that will enhance our towns, parks and communal spaces. We would like Enfield residents to look closely at how they think they can add value to local communities. Those with the right amount of creativity and drive will be given the full support of Spacehive and Enfield Council every step of the way. Whatever the project we ask that they are fun, exciting, accessible, promote volunteering, boost quality of life and enhance the local economy."

More information on Spacehive can be found at or on Twitter @Spacehive. Enfield Council will also be tweeting about the projects. Follow us @EnfieldCouncil and the hashtag #EnfieldNow.

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