Holocaust Memorial Day 2018

Enfield Council marked Holocaust Memorial Day with a special conference at the Dugdale Centre on 25 January.

The event featured real life testimony from survivors of The Holocaust and the Rwandan Genocide, readings from the Enfield Poets and music from Wolfson Hillel Primary School Choir.

Leader of Enfield Council, Cllr Doug Taylor, said: "Holocaust Memorial Day serves as a reminder of some of the darkest and most heinous acts in human history and serves as a warning that we must never forget the lessons of the past, lest we relive those terrible times in the future.

"We want to build a strong coherent community built of mutual trust, support and understanding. Holocaust Memorial Day is a valuable way of reminding us that we must be constantly vigilant and outspoken against the voices of hate, division and intolerance and that we must take swift action to tackle bigotry and prejudice whenever and wherever it appears."

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