Sexual health services to resume from Town clinics

A man receives some pills from a clinician

Enfield Council has agreed terms and arrangements in principle with North Middlesex University Hospital (North Mid) for their continued delivery of sexual health services for the borough’s residents, subject to the completion of the Council’s decision-making process.

The provision of sexual health services for Enfield will continue in two locations, via the ECHO clinic at The Town Clinic on Burleigh Way and at White Lodge Medical Practice on Chase Side.

They will be delivered by North Mid, which recently merged with the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust.

Services include testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, contraception and reproductive health, a young people’s service and support for vulnerable client groups.

Enfield Council’s Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care, Cllr Alev Cazimoglu, said: “I am extremely pleased that we have been able to come to a sustainable and deliverable arrangement following lengthy negotiations on sexual health provision in the borough. This new arrangement will see services continuing from the Town Clinic and White Lodge Medical Practice.

“The fruitful outcome of these negotiations demonstrates the commitment of Enfield Council and North Mid to providing a sexual health programme that is accessible and available to all and provides value for money. We will always strive to ensure our residents have access to high-quality and effective health services, with a range of options to support local need.”

Residents will also have access to sexual health treatment and advice through other existing services, including open access to all sexual health services out of borough, under the Department of Health’s national directive and with local pharmacies and GPs. In addition, Enfield Council will continue to commission the online E-Service which has become increasingly popular in recent years with a 30% channel shift in patients towards this fast and confidential provision.

Should residents have sexual health needs they can contact the ECHO clinic, use the London Sexual Health e service or primary care for Long Acting Reversible Contraction as well as out of borough sexual health services

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