Find out more about Meridian Water

Enfield Council is holding two free information events where residents can find out more about the £6 billion Meridian Water development.

We are holding two free information events where people can find out more about Meridian Water and its progress.

The drop-in events are taking place at Angel Community Centre, Raynham Road, Edmonton, on Tuesday 23 April between 3-7.30pm and Saturday 18 May between 10am and 4pm.

The exciting £6 billion Meridian Water project will deliver 10,000 homes, thousands of jobs and a lot more and it is happening right here in Enfield.

Work is nearly complete on the new station, you’ll be able to see images and models of what the project will look like and find out more about what’s in the pipeline at the events.

At the first event we would also like to find out your views on our Housing Infrastructure Fund bid and the Phase Two Planning Application. At the second we would like to get your views on health facilities for Meridian Water.

The project team will be at both of the events to give you information and answer any questions you may have.

No need to book in advance, just turn up on the day. Both events are drop-in sessions.

If you have access needs, then please email us at If you want to find out more about Meridian Water you can visit the project's website.

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