Local plan - Community involvement

Closed consultation
Start date:
01 January 2021
Closing date:
01 January 2021

We asked for your views on how we should consult on planning matters.

Details of the consultation

The draft revised Statement of Community Involvement sets out how we will look to involve local people, local businesses, stakeholders and other interested parties when preparing local planning documents and submitted planning applications. It also outlines some proposed engagement principles for developers who may need to consult with residents about their development proposals.

Who could participate

Local people, local businesses, stakeholders and other interested parties.

How you shared your views

You can respond to this consultation by email to localplan@enfield.gov.uk with ‘Statement of Community Involvement 2020’ in the subject line.

Start and closing dates

Start date: 25 February 2020

Closing date: 9 April 2020 (5pm)

Further information

For more details about the Statement of Community Involvement, please visit our Local plan - Community involvement webpage

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