Licensing Policy Statement

Current consultation
Start date:
16 May 2024
Closing date:
11 August 2024


Every five years the Council is required to review, consult on and re-publish its Licensing Policy Statement. We have prepared a draft Licensing Policy Statement for consultation. Following consideration of the feedback we receive, we intend to to publish the final version of the document in January 2025.

We encourage you to read the draft Licensing Policy Statement (2025-2030), and Cumulative Impact Zones Review document and welcome your feedback. We are especially interested in hearing your views on the key changes outlined below:

  1. Addressing risks and harms to women and vulnerable people in the night-time economy
  2. Responding to the proposed Martyn’s Law
  3. Expectations on delivery services (for example, off sales of alcohol)
  4. The proposed introduction of two new Cumulative Impact Zones in Bowes and Palmers Green

Who can participate

Those who live, work or study in the borough, as well as local businesses owners and representatives from the statutory and voluntary sectors.

How you can participate

Any comments on this draft Policy should be emailed to

Closing date

11 August 2024 (11.59pm).

Further information

If you have any queries or require assistance in sharing your views, please email

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