Housing Services Domestic Abuse Policy

Closed consultation
Start date:
03 October 2023
Closing date:
10 December 2023


We asked for your views on the draft Housing Services Domestic Abuse Policy (PDF, 434.1 KB). This draft Policy explained the rights of all Enfield residents to access safe accommodation away from abuse.

It set out how we expect Enfield Council staff, contractors, sub-contractors and their agents to respond to a disclosure of domestic abuse. It describes our commitment to promote early help and our approach to providing co-ordinated tailored support for victims/survivors and/or their children.

The Policy applies to Enfield Council Housing tenants and Enfield residents who access support from our Housing Advisory Service, regardless of their tenure, and is for adults and children affected by domestic abuse.

Who could participate

All local people, organisations based in Enfield and those with an interest in the issue.

How you shared your views


Closing date

10 December 2023 (11:59pm).

Further information

If you have any queries about this consultation, please email haveyoursay@enfield.gov.uk.

Every person has the right to live a life free from violence. If you are a victim of domestic abuse, or you know of someone who is, then please contact our Domestic Abuse Hub. You can contact them on 0800 923 9009.

If you need domestic abuse related housing support, please contact our Housing Advisory Service.

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