At the heart of our department's mission lies a genuine care for our environment and the communities we serve. We look forward to fostering an inclusive and collaborative environment where ideas flourish, innovation thrives, and achievements are celebrated.
- Environment and Street Scene - we are committed to delivering first class services. We aim to create an environment where people are proud to live, want to visit or work, and enjoy their leisure time. Sustainability and wellbeing are at the heart of everything we do, now and for future generations.
- Highway, Traffic and Parking services
- Street Cleansing
- Waste, Fleet and passenger transport
- Corporate Strategy
- Customer and Communications
- Leisure, Parks and Culture - Enfield's Culture team lead on the council's Culture Strategy to provide opportunities for young people, make culture sustainable and provide culture for everyone.
- Planning and Growth - Enfield's planning service defines the strategies, policies and infrastructure that are required to shape its long-term growth and success as a place. It provides the expertise to guide development proposals and planning applications through the development management, building control, determination and construction processes.