Customer service commitment

We want to deliver the best possible customer service to you at an affordable cost. This commitment sets out the standards of service you can expect from us, what we need from you and how you can help us improve customers’ experience.

What can you expect from us

We will:

How you can help us

So that we can deliver our promises to you, we would like you to:

We would also really like you to:

Measuring if we are meeting this commitment

We measure our commitment to you through a series of key performance indicators that are under constant review. These are listed below. We will report annually on our performance.

Indicator Performance (1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019)Target
Complaints closed within 10 working days 59% 92%
Telephone contact centre – answer rate 84% 88%
Telephone contact centre telephones – average wait time 4 minutes 22 seconds 3 minutes
Telephone Council Tax and benefits – answer rate 93% 88%
Telephone Council Tax and benefits – average wait time 51 seconds 3 minutes
Percentage of calls answered within 5 minutes 83% 97%
Customer satisfaction with webchat 81% 80%
Freedom of Information requests answered within 20 working days 73% 100%
Members enquiries – answered within 8 working days 76% 95%
Satisfaction with leisure centre users 77% 77%

Unacceptable behaviour

Unacceptable customer behaviour includes:

We keep records of unacceptable customer behaviour and this may result in your access to services being changed. In addition, we may prosecute you or share this information with partner organisations (subject to the requirements of the Data Protection Act).

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