Quieter Neighbourhoods

Reports via our website are processed during office hours only, and in the order that they are received. If you think the problem is urgent, call us on 020 8379 1000.

To find out about current projects, visit Let's Talk Enfield.

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Contingency plans

If there is an incident which prevents vehicles from accessing or exiting streets within the Quieter Neighbourhood areas, the following contingency plans will apply.

Bowes Road contingency arrangements

Incident on A406 - full closure preventing access to Warwick Road

Incident on A406 - full closure preventing access to Warwick Road

Incident on Bounds Green Road preventing access to Warwick Road

Incident on Bounds Green Road preventing access to Warwick Road

Contingency plan

Relaxation of CCTV enforced filter on Warwick Road and Maidstone Road.

Fox Lane contingency arrangements

Incident on Green Lanes preventing vehicular access to Aldermans Hill, Fox Lane, The Bourne or Bourne Hill

Incident on Green Lanes preventing vehicular access to Aldermans Hill, Fox Lane, The Bourne/Bourne Hill

Alternative route

Contingency plan

Relaxations to the CCTV enforced filter on Fox Lane may be required in order to maintain access for residents of Fox Lane, between the modal filter and the junction with Green Lanes.

Incident on The Bourne or Bourne Hill

Incident on The Bourne/Bourne Hill

Alternative route

Contingency plan

Relaxations to the CCTV enforced filters on Meadway, The Mall and Selborne Road may be required in order to maintain access for residents.

Incident on Cannon Hill

Incident on Cannon Hill

Alternative route

Contingency plan

Relaxations to the restrictions on Selborne Road, The Mall and Meadway may be required in order to maintain access for residents.

Incident on Aldermans Hill

Incident on Aldermans Hill

Aldermans Hill

Contingency plan

Relaxations to the restrictions on Old Park Road, Grovelands Road, Lakeside Road, Derwent Road, Ulleswater Road, Harlech Road and Conway Road may be required in order to maintain access for residents. If required, bollards will be temporarily removed in order to facilitate access.

Alternative arrangements

Other incidents (or incidents that occur for longer durations), will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, and alternative, or additional measures may be applied.

Updates on incidents

Check the council’s social media accounts for updates if and when an incident occurs:

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