Heritage resources

Below are resources to help you maintain, adapt and research heritage assets in our borough.


The shopfronts and associated advertisements guide provides advice on making changes to a shopfront.

Conservation area character appraisals and management plans

Enfield Council has created a character appraisal and management plan for each conservation area.

Heritage Strategy

The Making Enfield: Heritage Strategy 2019-24 (PDF, 4683.81 KB) sets out how the council will preserve, enhance and celebrate the borough’s heritage, while embracing opportunities for positive regeneration and economic growth.

The strategy, adopted in 2019, was affected by the Covid-19 Pandemic. This led to a delay in renewing the strategy until the end of 2025.

Local Heritage List

The Local Heritage List 2024 (PDF, 43680.46 KB) identifies and highlights the importance of over 300 non-designated heritage assets in the borough.

Conservation management plans

Enfield Council has prepared conservation management plans to help preserve, enhance and celebrate these important landscapes:

For a copy of a conservation management plan, please email planning.support@enfield.gov.uk.

Local archives

Enfield local studies and archives aim to identify, acquire and preserve materials documenting the history of the London Borough of Enfield. You can search their online catalogue for manuscripts, records, photographs and more.

Online resources

Historic England provides advice and guidance on caring for and protecting historic places. This includes tips on improving energy efficiency and upgrading traditional windows.

Finding a heritage professional

If you need to alter or adapt a heritage asset, we advise you to use contractors and advisers with experience working on older buildings. Engaging heritage professionals early in a project can save time and money.

For registers of individuals and companies accredited by trade and professional associations, visit Historic England - Find the right professional help. Asking friends and neighbours for recommendations can also be helpful.

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