Light nuisance

Light from a residential property

You can report a light problem from a residential property and we will take action if we believe it is a statutory nuisance.

We will send you a sheet to fill in so we have a record of when the light nuisance is happening and how it is affecting you. We will also contact the property and let them know a complaint has been made.

If the problem continues, we will visit you to investigate whether the light is a statutory nuisance.

Most problems are resolved informally by adjusting the lighting, such as realigning it or installing a movement sensor. We can serve an Abatement Notice if the light problem continues.

Light from a commercial property

You can report a light problem from a commercial property and we will take action if we believe it is a statutory nuisance.

Light is not a statutory nuisance if it comes from certain premises which are used for transportation or need high levels of light for safety and security reasons, such as prisons.

We will serve an Abatement Notice if the light problem is a statutory nuisance.

Report light nuisance

If a light in a commercial property is not working, such as in communal areas of council or private rented properties, you should report this to your landlord or housing officer.

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