Conservation grazing

Conservation grazing trial

We have an exciting opportunity to trial conservation grazing in selected parks within the borough, which can bring many positive environmental benefits.

Parks in Enfield have important habitats, such as wildflower and grassland meadows that should be protected and enhanced. Conservation grazing can benefit a wide variety of habitats, such as grassland, woodland, wetland and scrub. This traditional practice is supported and encouraged by Natural England, The Wildlife Trusts and Historic England.

We're taking inspiration from the restored land management practices of Epping Forest, Cambridgeshire, Tottenham Marshes and Wanstead Park.

Cattle are good at creating and maintaining diverse grass swards (areas of short grass) and can eat more competitive plant species. This will allow more delicate plants and wildflowers to grow, which mechanical mowing cannot achieve.

Red Poll Cattle

We will first trial a small number of Red Poll Cattle, who are naturally docile, grazing at Forty Hall and Trent Park through this year's grazing season. Initially, there will be up to 6 cattle at Forty Hall and 10 cattle at Trent Park, with the numbers changing depending on the size of the grazing area and amount of food available.

The Red Polls to be used in this trial are residents of Forty Hall Farm and have been trained to use GPS collars. The GPS collar technology allows the cattle to be contained within a virtual boundary without the need for fences, so everyone can continue to enjoy the park fence-free. For information on how it works, visit Nofence.

Visiting the parks

When visiting, you can see where the cows are grazing using the QR codes provided on various plaques in the park.

The Red Polls will be working on improving the grassland habitats, so please do not touch or try to feed them.

While there is no need to put your dog on a lead in the grazing areas, please ensure your dog does not approach or worry the cattle.

If there is an emergency, please call 020 8379 1000.


We are welcoming volunteers to help us look after the cattle by becoming a volunteer 'Looker'. We’ll be providing training for our Lookers in summer 2023. Let us know if you’re interested by emailing

Key dates

This project is in partnership with Capel Manor College who run Forty Hall Farm, and is supported by the Mayor of London.

Capel Manor College logo

Mayor of London logo

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