Supported living

We offer support for young people to allow them to live as independently as possible. There are a range of independent living options available where young people can be supported in their own accommodation so they can live an ordinary life. The amount of support may vary depending on the young person’s level of need. This could range from a few hours a week to full time personal care and support.

If you’re eligible for adult social care, we will work with you to make sure you have suitable accommodation and a package of care that meets your needs. Where possible, this will be in your local community, giving you access to your family and friends. For example, you could live in a flat on your own or share with others and have 24-hour care, or you could live in a flat and just get help and support with things like paying your bills and cooking a meal.

All accommodation is coordinated through the Integrated Learning Disability Service Accommodation Board which is held monthly. The purpose of the board is to develop a picture of the overall housing needs.

For young people who are supported to live independently, it is important to think about their emotional well-being, so they do not experience loneliness, isolation or mental health issues. We will support young people to have social networks and friendships to help them to be emotionally well and part of their community.

As well as the support provided in a young person’s home, there is a range of community services available, including:

You can find easy read information about housing options for people with a learning disability on MyLife.

Living at home

Some young people choose to continue to live at home with their family rather than looking at independent living options. These arrangements may work well while parents are fit and in good health, but need to be looked at again over time. The Carers and Disabled Children Act 2000 states that a local authority must carry out an assessment of a carer’s ability to provide and continue to provide care.

While a young person is living at home, they do not receive Housing Benefits in their own right even if they are paying rent to their parents. The householder may get a reduction in their Council Tax if a resident in the home is ‘substantially and permanently disabled‘ and the home has been specially adapted to meet the needs of a person’s disability. The award of this reduction would mean the Council Tax bill is reduced to the valuation band below the current band. For more information and how to apply, see Council Tax discounts.

It is important to seek legal advice to make sure the person with a disability gets the best possible outcome when there are complicated financial arrangements to be made.

There are a large number of services available in the borough to support you and the young person you care for. They include help with everyday living, such as:

Shared Lives

Shared Lives is a form of support that allows people to live life to the full in their communities, without having to live alone or in a care home.

Adults who need support or care are matched with a compatible Shared Lives carer who agrees to share their home and their family life (or community), with that person. They will either move into their own room in the household or use the home as a base. This can be long or short term, somewhere to stay for a short break, or somewhere to stay and receive intermediate care and support.

The Shared Lives scheme is registered with the Care Quality Commission.

For more information and contact details, visit MyLife - Shared Lives scheme.

To find out more about any of the above, contact your social worker or care coordinator by emailing, or phone them on 020 8379 5039 (textphone: 020 8379 3100).

Social housing

If you would like to access social housing, you need to put your name on the housing register. There are criteria and you must be awarded enough points to be able to bid for a suitable property. Your name should firstly be brought before the accommodation board to decide if there are any opportunities within local supported living placements.

Private rental

Although private rental is an option, it is not always the best option as it may not be possible to get an 'assured tenancy' and you do not always have long-term housing rights.

Disabled Facilities Grant

To make changes to your home so you can carry on living independently for as long as possible, we offer a Disabled Facilities Grant for young people with special educational needs or disabilities.

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