Short Break Grant

Enfield Joint Service for Disabled Children logoA Short Break Grant is a payment from Enfield’s Joint Service for Disabled Children towards the cost of activities or services for your disabled child.

The ActivityPlus Short Break Grant is £500 per year.

This is a flexible grant which can be used for activities or services for disabled children, aged 5 to 17 years.

If the grant is agreed part way through the financial year (1 April to 31 March), you will receive the relevant proportion of funding.

The activities or services should be:

Examples of activities and services

Up to a total of £200 in any one financial year can be used for your child’s expenses for a family holiday or school residential trip. This includes travel and accommodation costs.

Travel costs to and from the activity or service - public transport, taxis or petrol allowance of 45p per mile.



The ActivityPlus Short Break Grant cannot be used to fund:

For information about services and support, see the Local Offer.

For more information about short breaks, please email or telephone 020 8363 4047.

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