Personal budgets

The joint service for disabled children (JSDC) provides families with a personal budget through short break grants and direct payments.

Direct payments

If a social work assessment identifies the need for personal care, a parent may choose to employ a personal carer and will therefore receive a direct payment. Alternatively, the JSDC can provide or buy the personal care service.

A parent choosing the direct payment option becomes the employer and will be offered support to manage their employment responsibilities through Care in Finance.

Managing the grant

If you're eligible to receive a short breaks grant, you will need to apply for an e-card (similar to a debit card) which will be pre-loaded with your grant funding. The account will be in your name but belongs to Enfield Council. You cannot withdraw cash as it can only be used to pay for activities or services. You must keep receipts for all payments made for 2 years as these may need to be shown.

You will be asked to sign an agreement which details your responsibilities.

Funding must be used to meet the needs of your child, otherwise payments will be suspended.

When your child reaches the age of 18, the account will be kept open for 6 weeks so any outstanding payments can be made. After this, the account will be closed and any remaining balanced will be returned. If the young person is eligible for a personal budget in adult social care you will be asked to apply for and set up a new account and e-card.

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