Sex establishment licence

Pay a sex establishment licence fee

You may need a licence for a sex establishment, including:

  • a sex cinema or any venue where explicit films are shown to the public
  • a sex shop, which includes any premises
  • a sexual entertainment venue (SEV)

It is a criminal offence to carry out unlicensed activities and, if convicted, you could be given a £20,000 fine.

You can use our application form to apply for a new licence or to renew, transfer or make a variation to an existing licence.

Apply for a licence (PDF, 184.57 KB)

Licence applications should be emailed to

If your application is unsuccessful, you may appeal to a magistrates' court within 21 days of the decision.

For more information visit:

  • our fees page for the relevant fee
  • our online Licence Register where all applications and licences are recorded
  • GOV.UK for the rules about sex establishments

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