Multi- agency Practice Week: Physical Abuse

The Safeguarding Childrens Partnership will be delivering a multi- agency practice week on physical abuse between 15th- 19th January 2024.

What is the reason for  practice week?

Physical abuse is a strategic priority for the Childrens Partnership following the review published by the National Child Safeguarding Review Panel following the tragic and untimely deaths of Arthur Labinjo-Hughes and Star Hobson. This prompted Enfield to facilitate a multi-agency audit on physical abuse to help us identify how the partnership can apply the national recommendations locally. The main conclusion of the audit was that practice was too variable to assure the partnership that the safeguarding response is totally effective.

Therefore, the partnership are seeking to promote learning and development opportunities across all agencies to support practice improvement in this area. There are a range of workshops and training events available for all professionals to access.

See the timetable attached to join the workshop that best suits you and put the dates in your calendar. Clicking on the Teams link from the timetable will gain you access to the workshop.  Please disseminate the timetable with colleagues to support learning and development in your area.

You can also access the learning outcomes from the audit  which is a learning tool that can be used to facilitate reflective discussion across the partnership. You can also review the 7- minute briefing to aid discussion.