Many parents may be concerned that their child might experiment with alcohol or drugs as they grow up.
It is important to make sure that children are aware of the risks and how to keep themselves safe.
Even young children might have questions and it’s better to talk to them earlier rather than later about the consequences of drinking or taking drugs.
It is very likely that a child or young person will be offered alcohol at some point.
It is important for parents and carers to be open and talk to their children about the risks of drinking. Find out what they know and make sure they know the laws on alcohol for under 18s.
The NSPCC suggests having ‘a few brief conversations over time’ and trying ‘not to lecture your child’. The charity offers excellent advice about how to talk to your child about drugs or alcohol.
It is also important to talk to children about how to drink safely if they choose to when they are legally old enough. The Drinkaware Trust has advice about staying safe while drinking.
Childline also offers lots of support and guidance aimed at children and young people about alcohol, especially about what to do if they are feeling pressured by friends to start drinking.
Children are less likely to take drugs than drink alcohol, but it is still important to talk to them about the risks.
It can be a difficult topic to bring up with a child or young person. The NSPCC advises parents to have ‘brief, open and relaxed conversations’ and to use cues, such as drug issues happening in TV shows or in the media to start a conversation about drugs.
The Frank website is an excellent resource for information about drugs, which includes a glossary of slang terms and advice for worried parents.
Frank says that it is important for parents and carers to remember that:
- for most young people illegal drug taking is not a part of normal life
- most people who do try drugs do not continue using them
Youth Enfield health and wellbeing
Enfield Council’s Youth Development Service and Public Health in partnership, have developed a programme to support the delivery of social prescribing in Enfield. The health and wellbeing youth worker will be a link person in supporting, directing and offering tailored programmes to engage young people in positive activities.
The role of a health and wellbeing youth worker is to:
- be a friendly source of information
- help you to identify the wider issues that may be affecting your health and wellbeing
- introduce you to community groups, positive activities and the wider offer available for young people in Enfield
- support you to be happy
- provide you with one to one support that is tailored to your needs and interests
- help you to set achievable goals
A personal plan will be created in consultation with you and your family, accessing community provisions, activities and support to address social, emotional and mental health concerns. You will be informed of what positive activities are on offer, such as Youth Alive, Youth Enfield, and any other providers and uniformed services in Enfield. All this whilst working with you through your personal plan.
For more information on social prescribing, visit NHS.UK.
Who can use this service?
Any young person aged 10 to 19 who lives in Enfield.
Referrals can be made via your GP or a professional. Self-referrals are also accepted.
Please note, young people under 13 years old will require parental consent, 13 to 15 year-olds need to discuss with their parents and 16 to 19 year-olds can make direct contact without consent.
Useful websites
- Kooth - your online mental wellbeing community. Free, safe and anonymous support for all young people in Enfield, 11 to 19 years. Log in any time of day to find the support you need.
- Frank - excellent resource for information about drugs, including a glossary of slang terms and advice for worried parents