Youth Justice Plan

An introduction from the Chair of the Youth Justice Strategic Management Board, Geraldine Gavin is provided within the report and an insert here is available for you to read:

Significant focus of the last year has been on ensuring strong leadership and management across the Youth Justice system, working to our agreed strategic priorities, and ensuring our collective resources are used as effectively as possible to reduce offending and re-offending in Enfield. I am proud of what we have achieved.

As a partnership, we have continued to focus on reducing first time entrants through building on our investment in prevention and diversion within the last year. We have:

* expanded the Summer University and Holiday and Food activities programme for children eligible for free school meals;

* continued to fund Nexus to prevent school exclusions;

* launched the Vanguard Project, providing a place based therapeutic youth support to children at risk of exploitation and violence;

* secured additional funding from the VRU to deliver schools’ antirobbery project through additional outreach youth work as well as enrichment activities in identified hot spot schools and a transport hub;

* launched a new mobile youth bus provision;

* rolled out the Turnaround project, funded by the YJB, to provide early support to children at the cusp of offending;

* attracted an additional funding of £704,484 to expand the mentoring offer; and

* implemented a ‘school weapons protocol’ to improve safeguarding and prevent school exclusions.

The Youth Justice Plan has been developed and is available to review. Please click here to review the Youth Justice Plan.