Social care - data specific purposes

The Social Care service collects a wide range of data relating to persons in need of social care services, their carers, family and other persons who may affect them. This includes data which is defined by the Data Protection Law as “special categories” including data relating to racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, genetics, health and sexuality. The Care Act 2014 and Children Act 1989 gives the Social Care service the legal basis for processing, but we also seek consent where possible for processing your data. If you refuse consent, or limit processing this may affect the level of service we can provide to you and could potentially put you at risk. We may, where you or someone else is at serious risk if we do not share information, share information without your consent, but only if absolutely necessary to prevent harm.

It is commonly necessary for persons receiving / providing social care to be provided with finance in order to manage personal budgets, provide care or other appropriate reasons. In order to monitor spending of public funds, the council records these financial transactions in addition to the data above. These are kept for seven years after the repayment period.

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