Update from Enfield Council

An update from Enfield Council.

An Enfield Council spokesperson said: “A statement on Cyprian Care was emailed to a journalist by Enfield Council on 7 May in response to a media enquiry.

“A press release was issued by Enfield Council relating to Cyprian Care on 13 June and a letter issued by the Leader of the Council.”

Notes to editors:

Text of the statement issued on 7 May

An Enfield Council spokesperson said:

“Enfield Council does not have a contract with Cyprian Care but people who control their own personal care budget have the option of buying services from this company directly.

“The payments these individuals make directly to Cyprian Care through their personalisation budgets will show on Enfield Council's accounts because the local authority manages the payments and transactions on the behalf of the individuals in question.

“There are also some occasions when the Council may purchase short-term care or urgent/emergency cover direct from a range of registered care providers such as Cyprian care who are not contracted by the Council, if the contracted Home Care providers cannot meet immediate needs.

“This is done on a one-off spot contract basis.

“Enfield Council always follows procurement laws and regulations with regards the award of contracts and there is a full and transparent procedure. Any bids for tender are assessed robustly and awards are based on quality, appropriateness and price.

“Cllr Oykener has always followed procedures and has declared his business relationship with Cyprian Care.

“Enfield Council always follows the principles of openness, fairness and impartiality and operates under the highest standards of conduct to deliver public services properly within the framework of the law.”

Text of press release issued on 13 June

An Enfield Council spokesperson said:

“It has been reported on social media that the Council has recently issued a statement in relation to Cyprian Care following media coverage around direct payments from Enfield Council to that company. For clarity, no statement has been issued by the Council on this matter since 7 May 2019.

“In the case of vulnerable clients, the Council is required to buy oneoff care packages from a framework of registered care providers. This framework includes the private company Cyprian Care and results in payments being made directly by the Council. Since 2016, legislative changes have meant that local authority financial transactions over £250 are published and subject to FOI.

“The Council has detailed and robust procurement and commissioning procedures in place to ensure full compliance with all relevant legislation.”

Text of letter from the Leader of Enfield Council 13 June

“The public expects the highest levels of integrity and probity from their elected representatives. To ensure absolute confidence in our Council, in early May 2019 I announced I would be developing a Charter to express our principled stance on awarding council contracts and any direct payments from the Council to third parties.

“The law prohibits Councillors from being employed by the authority that they are elected to represent, but I also believe that our politicians with executive decision-making powers in our Cabinet should not be permitted to make any personal financial gains from the Council. I am sure the Charter will be welcomed by all Councillors.

“I am aware that there has been media coverage relating to the long-standing arrangement between Enfield Council and Cyprian Care. I can confirm that an elected Councillor is a Director of this company. As of 8 May 2019, this Councillor no longer serves in the Cabinet.

“Since 2016, national legislative changes have meant that any local authority financial transaction over £250 is published. Having received enquiries regarding the amount of money paid by the Council, I can confirm that between 2016/17 – 2019/20 Enfield Council paid a total of £2,066,826.22 to Cyprian Care.

“I agree with many people who have raised the issue with me – that whilst the situation we have had in Enfield for many years might be legal, it does raise ethical questions. These ethics are part of the driving force behind my programme for in-sourcing alongside my belief in keeping public money in public hands.”

Cllr Nesil Caliskan

Leader of Enfield Council

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