Make life easier! Just Ask Sara

Residents, neighbours, carers, friends and family are being urged to use a free online service during Carers Week, (12-18 June), to enable people of ages to lead independent lives.

  • Free online service, AskSARA helps people live more independently
  • Users can access over 14,000 products to make their lives easier
  • Free online service open 24 hours a day

Accessed through Enfield Council's website, and developed by The Disabled Living Foundation, AskSARA guides users to a range of devices and advice which will help to improve their quality of life. It also makes tasks such as cooking, bathing, taking medication and chores easier.

Enfield Council's Cabinet Member for Health & Social Care, Cllr Alev Cazimoglu, said: "We're committed to promoting fairness for all, and encouraging people who want to live independently in their own homesis an important part of that commitment.

"AskSARA is a brilliant way ofencouraging independent living amongst vulnerable adults because it helps in identifying their needs and then suggesting ways of meeting those needs.

"AskSARA covers more than 70 topics that are grouped under broad headings such as health, home and children. Within each heading there are categories that focus on specific aids – and users can answer questions to help them identify their concerns across all aspects of life.

"I hope people of all ages will find AskSARA helpful.”

Typical users of the service are expected to include family members and carers who are keen to find the type of equipment thatcan improve the quality of their loved ones' lives andhelp them to live independently.

AskSARA's advice has been written by the Disabled Living Foundation's team of occupational therapists and all of the content is governed by the NHS's Information Standard.

Live links also take users to Europe's largest database of assistive technology products – with details of over 14,000 products from over 900 manufacturers and suppliers.

Users of the service can also complete feedback reports that signpost them to services from handyman and trader schemes to falls prevention and energy efficiency details.

Log onto AskSARA and make a difference to someone's life today.

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