Enfield Council’s new leader identifies priorities

The new leader of Enfield Council, Cllr Nesil Caliskan, has identified tackling inequality, housing, crime and disorder and child poverty as her key priorities for the next four years.

Cllr Caliskan, who works for NHS England in the National Equality and Health Inequality Team was elected as the first female leader in Enfield Council’s history on Wednesday (23 May) night.

She said: “I look forward to leading the cabinet to drive my commitment in ensuring the Council delivers excellent services for the people of Enfield.

“I want to build a borough where everyone has the opportunity to reach their potential regardless of their background, feels safe and lives in a good quality home.

“We face great challenges as a local authority in the next four years.

“We will seek new ways to accelerate our affordable housing provision to create vibrant new communities, maintain and increase the quality of services and care to our vulnerable residents, support our young people and prepare them for a great future, improve the environment and promote good health.

“I became a politician because I believe in fairness and equality and reducing inequality will be at the heart of everything we do. I believe that every person in our borough should have the opportunity to fulfil their potential.

“I will be working with officers, from every department of the Council, to tackle inequality in our borough and ensure we get the right support to those residents who need it the most.”

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