Voluntary and Community Sector Contracts Review – listening exercise

Closed consultation
Start date:
31 October 2023
Closing date:
21 November 2023


Our Adult Social Care (ASC) service pays for community organisations in the borough to provide important services. For example, those which help with money and legal issues, helping people manage their mental well-being, and lots of other services aimed at helping residents in the borough maintain a good quality of life.

We pay for these services through contracts (legal agreements), which have to be regularly reviewed.

Community organisations are often called ‘The Voluntary and Community Sector’, or ‘VCS’ for short. The VCS in the borough make our community a better place for everyone. They are the heart and soul of positive change, tirelessly working to build a stronger, more inclusive, and compassionate community for us all.

A list of local services, including the Voluntary and Community Sector Services known to the Council, can be viewed on a page on our MyLife website. There is an option to filter by postcode area.

You can also view Enfield’s Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy 2020-2023 on our website (www.enfield.gov.uk). The Strategy lays out the Health & Wellbeing Board’s (members include the Council and NHS) current approach to addressing health inequalities in the borough.

With the contracts with the VCS to be renewed in November 2024, we asked for your views.

Who could participate


How you shared your views

Questionnaire or email.

Closing date

21 November 2023 (11.59pm).

Further information

If you have any queries about this listening exercise, please email vcscontractsreview@enfield.gov.uk.

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