Tenant Satisfaction Measures Survey (2023)

Closed consultation
Start date:
24 September 2023
Closing date:
16 October 2023

Between the dates of 25 September and 16 October, BMG Research interviewed around 1,000 Council tenants (in their homes or on their doorstep) across the borough to find out their views on the Housing Service. This is a statutory piece of work, that was delivered on behalf of the Regulator of Social Housing.

Participation was voluntary and tenants could end the interview at any time.

To meet the requirements of the Regulator of Social Housing, only those randomly selected were asked to share their views. We could not accept requests to be interviewed from those not selected.

Information we shared with BMG is compliant with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 2018 and all reporting of the findings will be anonymised so no interviewee will be identifiable.

Those tenants who were asked to be interviewed were handed a letter by the interviewer to provide details of the research (for example, what it was about and that it participation was voluntary) and included telephone numbers of the LBE Housing Engagement Team and BMG head office.

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