- Status:
- Closed consultation
- Start date:
- 15 January 2025
- Closing date:
- 29 January 2025
Like other local authorities, the Council is facing significant funding pressures. There are considerable pressures in many of our service areas, notably in temporary accommodation, SEND provision and transport, and in both Children’s and Adult Social Care. Despite significant budget pressures we are still delivering services that help and support our residents, and we are continuing to create a better borough for the well-being of all our communities.
We must set a balanced budget for the forthcoming financial year 2025-26, which is proving to be a challenge. On 8 January, the Council’s Cabinet approved a draft budget which demonstrated that the Council still has to do more to be able to set a balanced budget, the report included details of savings proposals already being considered to reduce the budget gap.
Further details were available in our Medium Term Financial Plan 2025-26 to 2029-30 (PDF).
Who could participate
Those who live, work and study in the borough, as well as representatives from the voluntary and community sector, local businesses, and any other organisations.
How you shared your views
Standard and easy read questionnaire
Closing date
29 January 2025 (11.59pm).
Further information
If you have any queries about this consultation, please email haveyoursay@enfield.gov.uk.