Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022 (second phase)

Closed consultation
Start date:
13 June 2022
Closing date:
12 August 2022


We asked for your views on our draft Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) - a report on what were considered to be the needs for pharmaceutical services in the borough at that time. It was used to identify gaps in current services or improvements that could be made in future pharmaceutical service provision.

More details on the PNA, including access to the draft PNA and a link to the questionnaire was available on our dedicated PNA webpage.

Who could participate

Those who live, work and study in the borough, as well as GPs, pharmacists and representatives of organisations.

How your views were collected


Closing date

12 August 2022 (5.00pm).

Further information

If you have any queries about this, please email .

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