Independent Living Strategy

Closed consultation
Start date:
09 February 2023
Closing date:
07 April 2023


We asked for your views to help inform and shape the development of our draft Independent Living Strategy 2023 – 2027 (PDF).

The purpose of the Strategy is to set out headline priorities for the next five years for supporting independent living for young people in transition to adulthood, adults and older people with social care needs.

Recognising that barriers to living independently reach beyond adult social care, the draft strategy first considered universal themes that can impact a person’s opportunity to live independently, including information and advice, health and housing.

It also considered specific priorities for supporting independent living, across seven ‘in focus’ areas. This included specific consideration of:

In addition to the full Strategy, we made available a standard summary version (PDF) and easy read summary (PDF) for you to view.

Who could participate

Those who live, work and study in the borough, as well as representatives from the voluntary and community sector and any other organisations.

How the consultation was delivered

Questionnaire (standard version and easy read)

We also held a series of open invitation drop in events.

Closing date

Friday 7 April 2023 (5.00pm)

Further information

If you have any queries about this consultation, please email

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